I was cruising around the web and came across this. I thought you writers out there might be interested. Below is from the website, but you can click on the link to find out more. From http://lincolncrisler.info/?page_id=1870 A dark ritual anthology edited by...
From the Press release: Solaris is proud to announce that it has acquired the new novel by Texan author Amanda Downum. Dreams of Shreds and Tatters will be released in June 2015. Downum’s urban fantasy novel centres around the King in Yellow from the wider HP...
I saw this and thought all of you who are putting your finishing touches on that horror short story would like to see it also. This comes from the good people at horrortree.com From the Horror Tree website: Deadline: May 31st Payment: 2¢ per word for fiction. Authors...
From the Press Release: Uncanny Books is proud to announce the release of a collection of three linked short horror novels, The Chapman Books, by Aaron J. French, Erik T. Johnson, and Adam P. Lewis. It’s dangerous to be a doctor…...
BIRMINGHAM, UK, March 25, 2014 – Short, Scary Tales Publications (SST Publications) Owner, Paul Fry is delighted to announce the signing of multi-award winning and best-selling author Joe R. Lansdale, and award-winning professional illustrator and comic artist...
A new signed limited collector’s edition of Clive Barker’s “The Midnight Meat Train” is being published by Dark Regions Press and will be offered for preorder on Tuesday, March 25th exclusively on DarkRegions.com...