The Parts We Play Stephen Volk 2016 PS Publishing Reviewed by Mario Guslandi Widely known as a successful screenwriter (Ghostwatch, Gothic, The Awakening) Stephen Volk is also a very fine author of horror/dark fiction, whose stories have been appearing, during the...
Dark Tales Shirley Jackson Penguin Classics October 6, 2016 Reviewed by Mario Guslandi Shirley Jackson (1919-1965) is rightly famous for her gothic novels (The Haunting of Hill House, We Have Always Lived in the Castle) and the cult short story “The...
Fishhead: The Darker Tales of Irvin S. Cobb Irvin S. Cobb Parallel Universe Publications 2016 Reviewed by Mario Guslandi Irvin S. Cobb (1876-1944) was a famous American journalist , a successful humorist (and occasional actor). In addition, he also penned a cluster of...
Dissonant Intervals Louis Marvick Side Real Press 2016 Reviewed by Mario Guslandi There is a type of dark fiction which is not meant to scare or elicit terror or disgust, but rather to slightly disturb in a subtler, intellectual way which reveals a true literary...
You’ll Know When You Get There Lynda E. Rucker Swan River Press August, 2016 Reviewed by Mario Guslandi Shirley Jackson Award-winner Lynda E. Rucker is a regular contributor to magazines and anthologies in the dark fiction area. Her second collection,...