Lord of Illusions Directed by Clive Barker United Artists/Seraphim Films Review by Anthony C. Francis Clive Barker’s Lord of Illusions is a lost treasure of a horror film. Ignored upon its release in 1995, it is a fantastic mix of dark magic, detective thriller, and...
Neil Gaiman’s new novel, The Ocean at the End of the Lane comes out on June 18, 2013. Described as “a fable that reshapes modern fantasy,” Ocean’s story unfolds as follows: It began for our narrator forty years ago, when the family lodger stole their car and...
It began with a simple idea: post flash fiction stories to Feverish Fiction every week based on different themes. Primarily, the stories would include a broad variation from classic horror, pulp, gore and dark bizarro. Soon, the website was getting 1000 unique...
The next Fantastic Fiction at KGB reading series get together, hosted by Ellen Datlow and Matthew Kressel, will present Brian Keene, the author of over thirty novels, most recently Entombed and An Occurrence In Crazy Bear Valley. He also writes comic books for DC and...
Author David B. Silva is offering a free gift that keeps on giving. On his website, you can sign up to receive a free short story every week, delivered in the form of a PDF with a link contained inside an email he’ll send you. “Most of these stories have...