Cemetery Dance Publications has announced The Interrogator and Other Criminally Good Fiction edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Ed Gorman will be published right around the end of the month. So if you’ve been on the fence, now is the time to lock in your order...
Apex Magazine Issue 42 has been released. They have fiction by Shira Lipkin, Tim Susman, Eleanor Arnason, and Alex Bledsoe. Lynne M. Thomas and Steve H Silver discuss fandom conventions. Finally, Maggie Slater interviews novelist and short fiction author Alex Bledsoe....
For the month of November, Subterranean Press has put together an ebook bundle of all of their John Scalzi titles, including: Fiction: How I Proposed To My Wife: An Alien Sex Story An Election Questions for a Soldier The Sagan Diary Judge Sn Goes Golfling The Tale of...
Samhain Publishing has released both the paperback and digital editions of David Bernstein’s Amongst The Dead. Description: Young and alone against the living dead. Riley has lived alone with her dad in an isolated cabin in New York State for as long as she can...
Samhain Publishing’s featured November title is Greg F. Gifune’s A View From the Lake. Description: Death is not the end. Katherine and James ran a small lakeside resort in Blissful Point, Massachusetts, during the hectic summer months, then endured the...
The newest issue of Suspense Magazine has been released. John Connolly, D.J. McIntosh, Lori Armstrong and Richard Doetsch highlight this issue, but that is just the beginning. Anthony Franze sat down with John Lescroart in his ongoing series. Author of Reich Donald...