Indican Pictures is set to release Michael Borowiec and Sam Marine’s Man Underground. The film is a genre bender as a retired geologist attempts to discover extraterrestrial life. Having undergone illicit experiments, Willem hopes for vindication, in the stars. Man...
Come to Dust Bracken MacLeod Journalstone – Trepidatio June 2017 Reviewed by Shane Douglas Keene Bracken MacLeod is an author I’ve followed closely over the past four years, and with good reason. I was already a fan of the few short stories I’d read by him when...
Black Mad Wheel Josh Malerman Ecco May 2017 Reviewed by Shane Douglas Keene 2014 was a banner year for horror fiction, seeing debut efforts put forth by what we now consider to be some of the best authors in speculative fiction. We saw the publication of Nick Cutter’s...
Chupacabra Vengeance David Bowles Broken River Books March 8, 2017 Reviewed by Shane D. Keene Talking about the writing of author David Bowles is always a pleasure, mostly because it means I get to read his books, which are a joy every time. But also, because his...
Behold the Void Philip Fracassi Journalstone March 2017 Reviewed by Shane Douglas Keene To say I had high expectations when I heard that Philip Fracassi had a new collection being published would be an understatement. Having previously read a spare few of his books, I...