Nicholas Day
Bizarro Pulp Press, An Imprint of JournalStone Publishing
December 12, 2014
Reviewed by Tim Potter

Fourteen billion years in 64 pages. The history of everything that ever was, ever is and ever will be since before time. As told through the story of a stuttering janitor, a man conceived and transformed through acts of pure evil, a time-traveling anthropomorphised dinosaur that is the root of all matter and time.

Necrosaurus Rex is a story where every explosion of intimacy, no matter how small or large, is the universe trying to recapture the thrill of the Big Bang. It’s as though the universe is a junky for creation and every physical act of love is its way of searching for a fix, one that will never recreate the high of that first time.

With all of the high-minded ideas it’s easy to forget that this is also a pulp novel with great action and greater characters. When our protagonist, Martin, is presented with the idea of time travel he is immediately interested. He has lived most of his life in his own head, where Jurassic Park is the ideal world, and he wants to see the dinosaurs. He does and it doesn’t go well. The reader learns never to mess with time travel and, maybe more importantly, never to mess with somebody with a time machine.

The amazing thing is that it’s all there. All of time, history, creation, physics, everything, and it makes sense. The whole story is there, from the macro of the Big Bang to the micro of our protagonist’s conception, and it really makes sense. There is not a misplaced word in all of the book, everything is working together to tell this story. As long as a reader goes in with an open mind and a tolerance for the absolutely disgusting and the absolutely beautiful, Necrosaurus Rex delivers. With more content and character than a thousand pages of your average book author Nicholas Day has achieved something amazing, something you have to experience to understand.

Disclaimer: A review copy was provided by one of our sponsors.

About Tim Potter

Tim Potter is a teacher and lover of all things books.

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