Here’s an opportunity to tell Stephen King what to write next. According to his website, he’s waffling between two possible novels, Doctor Sleep and a Mid-World book. You can help him out by voting on which book you’d like him take on next.

Here’s King’s word on the matter:

Hey, you guys – I saw a lot of you Constant Readers while I was touring for Under the Dome, and I must say you’re looking good. Thanks for turning out in such numbers, and thanks for all the nice things you’ve said about Under the Dome. There’ll be another book next year. It’s a good one, I think, but that’s not why I’m writing. I mentioned two potential projects while I was on the road, one a new Mid-World book (not directly about Roland Deschain, but yes, he and his friend Cuthbert are in it, hunting a skin-man, which are what werewolves are called in that lost kingdom) and a sequel to The Shining called Doctor Sleep. Are you interested in reading either of these? If so, which one turns your dials more? Ms. Mod will be counting your votes (and of course it all means nothing if the muse doesn’t speak). Meanwhile, thanks again for 2009.

Voting is open until Jan 1, 2010.

Vote here: King’s Next

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