It began with a simple idea: post flash fiction stories to Feverish Fiction every week based on different themes. Primarily, the stories would include a broad variation from classic horror, pulp, gore and dark bizarro. Soon, the website was getting 1000 unique visitors per week reading the stories.
And now, under their own imprint, Hyperpyrexia Press, they’ve compiled 42 of the stories from what they’re calling their “first season” and making them available in trade paperback. The writers: Michael Faun, Michael Bergamotte, Greg Cole and MT Mathieson. This 270-page gem is packed to the brim with a mix of pulp/weird/gore/bizarro. The 42 stories in it evolvs around a total of 14 themes with awesome graphic illustrations.
To get your copy, simply shoot away an email to [email protected] and place your order. To learn more about the book, check it out here: Feverish Fiction