Edward Lee’s The Minotauress is now available from Necro Publications as a trade paperback.

Description: Seething, slavering, and insane, it cringes, not wanting to slip forth from the noxious, bloated belly of its abyssal mother until the most hideous sexual atrocities beckon it from Hell’s hot bowels: the dread monstrosity of unfathomable beauty and the most vile horror – revulsion and desire incarnated into one. Atop the moon-drenched hillock sits the leaning manse, surrounded by ancient graves rich with the bones of witches, and amid the dense cricket-choruses of these ghastly twilight deeps, it stalks, thrashes and prowls, its nipples gorged with evil, its loins a frenzy of Luciferic lust. Behold Balls and Dicky (of The Bighead fame) as they embark on their first sociopathic epiphany teeming with down and dirty redneck whores, occult science, corpse-sex, and scatological gross-out the likes of which would make the BTK Killer faint. These boys think they’re bad … but are they bad enough to face The Minotauress

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