Afterburn SF, an online magazine that publishes science fiction, fantasy, and horror, is under new management. Nat Thompson is the owner/publisher and Karen L. Newman is the editor. The zine is published quarterly and pays $30 for original fiction. Aferburn SF is looking for action-oriented, well written stories in Science-Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. We want action-driven short stories that present a complete, well rounded tale, with strong characterization, clear description, and clean prose. Length should be between 1K and 10K words, although we will consider longer works based on their merits. Three to four stories in each category (SF, F, H) will be selected monthly. The stories will run for three months, and then will appear in the archive until the author requests for it to be removed. Please make sure you own the copyright for any work you submit. For complete guidelines: Submissions
The table of contents for the April 2007 issue: “Amnesty” by Stephen Patrick, “Red for Revenge” by Michael Merriam, “The Darkmount Trilogy” by Billy Wong, and “Graven Image” by David North-Martino. Check it all out: Afterburn SF