Hello all. I hope that those of you who are reading this in the eastern two thirds of the United States and Canada haven’t gone stir crazy from all of the snow you received in February. At least there is one bright spot to being stuck in the house as the snow...
KING OF THE GREY By RICHARD KNAAK They are the shadows we see out of the corner of our eyes, the visions flickering past in the middle of the night. They are the elves, the fairies, and the other legends of our minds. They are the Grey. They are all around us, and...
Join Dark Regions for the Indiegogo campaign of their new anthology project, Dreams from the Witch House, at: igg.me/at/dreams-from-the-witch-house Dreams from the Witch House: Female Voices of Lovecraftian Horror continues the new Dark Regions Weird Fiction line, an...
Happy February! The Superbowl is past and you’ve either celebrated madly, cried bitterly, or stifled a disinterested yawn. Regardless of your interest level in American football, I think we can all agree that we must start preparing for that greatest of...
SST PUBLICATIONS SIGNS CHRISTOPHER FULBRIGHT & ANGELINE HAWKES FOR NEW HORROR NOVEL NIGHT WRAITH BIRMINGHAM, UK, December 1, 2014 – Short, Scary Tales Publications (SST Publications) owner, Paul Fry is extremely pleased to announce that SST will publish an...
Sirens Call Publications is very pleased to announce we have acquired Phrenic Press. Phrenic Press has operated as an invitation-only, short story publisher since mid 2013 specializing in inspired and eclectic stories. In becoming an imprint of Sirens Call...