In 1993, legendary comic book creator Mike Mignola’s most famous creation, Hellboy, first appeared in a four-page, black and white story in San Diego Comic-Con Comics #2, months ahead of his full-issue comic book debut in Hellboy: Seed of Destruction. Co-published by...
From Super7: “It’s alive! Super7 is beyond stoked to launch our collaboration with the legendary Universal Monsters with this special event! The abomination begins after sunset on Comic-Con Friday with the opening of the Universal Monsters Boodega...
FX Networks announced today the return of FXhibition to San Diego Comic-Con, which will bring the networks’ buzziest and most-beloved shows to life through an interactive combination of art and technology. Taking center stage once again on the lawn of the Hilton San...
The AT&T AUDIENCE Network series Mr. Mercedes, produced by Sonar Entertainment, is returning to San Diego Comic-Con July 19-21 with the cast and creators of Season 2 for the Mr. Mercedes Immersive Experience and show panel. The Mr. Mercedes Immersive Experience...
Vault Comics announced their 2018 Emerald City Comic Con (March 1st – 4th) lineup of exclusive items, creator signings, panels, and live stage interviews. This year marks Vault’s one year anniversary, and to celebrate, the publisher is pulling out all of...
Dark Horse is proud to announce its selection of exclusive merchandise available at Emerald City Comic Con. We have two new gorgeous convention exclusive variant covers set to debut: American Gods: My Ainsel #1 and Critical Role – Vox Machina: Origins #1!...