Tarot of the Enchanted Garden
Diana Lang, artwork by Rossana Pala
Lo Scarabeo/Llewellyn (September 2023)
Reviewed by N. Richards

Tarot of the enchanted garden has instantly become one of my all time favourite decks!  and that’s saying something! It has a mystical quality that is difficult to define, ephemeral in its beauty and qualities.

The 78 cards along with the 128 page book, come in a compact and sturdy box that slides open vertically, gorgeously illustrated in mysterious shades of lavenders and greys the images have a surreal quality to them something in between a watercolor and chalk gives an almost three dimensional quality to them.

Based on the traditional Rider Waite Smith, Tarot of the Enchanted Garden is a weird and wonderful twist on the traditional version of the tarot; the “garden” is otherworldly in nature and so are its charming and fascinating inhabitants.

The guidebook walks you through the garden with a special spread called ” a walk through the enchanted garden,” which I found refreshing and enchanting! Along with other suggestions and guidance.  Indeed I could easily imagine this deck working very nicely with clients in a professional tarot reading capacity.

Described as a “teachers teacher” Diana  specialises in making the sometimes daunting world of spirituality accessible for everyone, a meditation and yoga teacher for 35 plus years Diana has published many books in the mind body spirit genre. Her expert guidance and experience  is enlightening throughout the booklet , detailed meanings and keywords are given for each of the 78 cards.

Artist Rossana Pala has brought the enchanted garden to life with her use of a silvery and almost misty aesthetic.

Twilight and dusk sort of all in one, Tarot of the enchanted garden is a place you will never want to leave.

Suitable for complete beginners or seasoned practitioners, wherever you are on your tarot journey this deck is ideal for spooky season and beyond.

About N. Richards

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