Camp Damascus
Chuck Tingle
Tor Nightfire (July 18, 2023)
Reviewed by Nora B. Peevy

This book was particularly hard for me to read. The raw emotion on the page reflected my own struggles with being accepted by family as a bisexual woman, but at least I never got sent to a conversion camp. Camp Damascus is the camp of horrors where parents send their children to erase their memories of any part of their identity of being gay, including anyone they have ever loved. There is nothing scarier than the thought of having your true, authentic self erased. However, Tingle manages to drop in enough humor to offset the horror of the community on the quest to have the perfect heterosexual society.

Two courageous people set off to bring down Camp Damascus and exposed them for the dirty truth they are and in the process they find friendship, themselves, love, and strength.

This book is not just for anyone in the queer community. This book is for everyone. We are all human and have the same emotions. We all root for the main characters for succeed and the villains to be vindicated. If you are looking for a tale of drama and victory, look no further.

About Nora B. Peevy

Nora B. Peevy is a cat trapped in a human’s body. Please send help or tuna. She toils away for JournalStone and Trepidatio Publishing as a submissions reader, is a co-editor for Alien Sun Press, the newest reviewer for Hellnotes, and has been published by Eighth Tower Press, Weird Fiction Quarterly, and other places. Usually, you can find her on Facebook asking for help escaping from her human body or to get tuna. Tuna is nice. Cats like tuna.

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