From seasoned animator Carlos Baena (ILM, Pixar) and a crowd-sourced community of over 100 people, “La Noria” tells the tale of a grieving young boy who one day encounters dark creatures that turn his life upside down. ALTER explores the human condition...
Over at, Erica Ruppert has given Scott R. Jones’ Shout Kill Revel Repeat a tremendous review, with praise such as: “Jones does a remarkable job of conveying the utterly alien incomprehensibility of the Lovecraftian cosmos. His characters...
The Night They Knocked (Cinester Films) is a new feature-length horror film written and directed by Sean Roberts, and nominated for Best Feature Film / Best Director at the 2019 New Jersey Horror Con and Film Festival. From the official website: In the heart of the...
Listen here: Alfonse de Cartier is the modern day descendant of one of the greatest mambo priestesses New Orleans has ever seen. Unfortunately for Al, as his colleagues at the New Orleans police department call him, all that...
Interactive fiction veteran Aaron A. Reed has released a one-of-a-kind new book: a horror novel, Subcutanean, where each copy contains a slightly different version of the story. No two books are ever quite the same. Reed is a winner...