The Glittering World Robert Levy Gallery Books February, 2015 Reviewed by Josh Black Robert Levy’s debut novel is a difficult one to classify. Billed by the publisher as a supernatural thriller (which it unequivocally is), it also sporadically plunges headlong...
A Pleasure and a Calling Phil Hogan Picador January, 2015 Reviewed by Josh Black Mr. William Heming, an unassuming real estate agent, is a man who leads two lives (though this is something he would eloquently argue against). He’s a quiet kind of guy,...
The Bone Clocks David Mitchell Random House ISBN 978-1400065677 September 2, 2014; $30 HC, $15.49 eBook Reviewed by Josh Black The Bone Clocks is a big book, not only in its physical size, but also in its chronological scope and its multitude of characters, themes,...