J. Thorn has released the digital edition of Portal Arcane I – Reversion (A Dark Fantasy Series). Description: With a noose around his neck, Samuel arrives in a forest littered with caution tape and artifacts of the deceased. He struggles to regain his memory...
Big Time Books is the brainchild of Eric Miller, who along with a loose conglomeration of show biz professionals gathers at night in sinister places (okay, hot dog and pizza joints) to weave tales of fear and dread. Most of these stories are about the horrors of being...
Angry Robot has released the mass market paperback and digital editions of Chuck Wendig’s Blackbirds. Description: Miriam Black knows when you will die. Still in her early twenties, she’s foreseen hundreds of car crashes, heart attacks, strokes, suicides,...
Courtesy of Publishers Weekly… Veteran literary agent and publisher Lori Perkins is teaming with former Alyson Books publisher Donald Weise to launch Riverdale Avenue Books, a multi-imprint e-book and audiobook publisher set to launch December 17 with two...
Here’s one you might have missed (we did). Precipice Books has released the hardcover, paperback, and digital editions of Todd Keisling’s A Life Transparent. Description: Who is Donovan Candle? He is the consummate husband. Stable, hard-working, and...