accidental-exorcistGravitas Ventures has secured North American rights to “Accidental Exorcist” from Director Daniel Falicki, Executive Producer Warren Croyle and Producer Sheri Beth Dusek. Croyle and Dusek also wrote the script about Richard Vanuck (Falicki, “Devils in the Darkness”), a thirty-something, dirt poor alcoholic who can’t hold down a day job or maintain a normal life due to a very special “gift” he was born into.

All Richard really wants is to finish his book but fate dealt him a very strange hand – he is a natural born Exorcist. In fact, he is the best there ever was and with possessions on the rise across the city, he’s booked solid. Reluctantly, he faces the fact that performing exorcisms is the only thing he’s truly good at even though it’s wearing him down and making his life utterly miserable. Case after case, he stares evil incarnate in the face, taking on satanic forces to help those in need. However he soon finds his power may also come with a cost to his own soul and must find a way to finally save himself before time runs out.

About Jess Landry

Jess Landry is an eccentric billionaire, the inventor of the hacky-sack and a compulsive liar. She spends her time mentally preparing for the zombie apocalypse and playing with her cats. You can find some of her work online at and EGM Shorts.

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