As with any website on the internet these days, it can be quite expensive at times to keep a website like Dark Universe: Horror Database up and running smoothly for our readers to enjoy on a daily basis. In the last four years, we have found it quite a struggle at timed  to keep up to date with all payments relating to the website and its staff of hard working content creators.

Funds raised will help monthly expenses, which includes paying content creators, hosting, bandwidth, gigabyte usage, SSL, domain name, and other recurring costs. If we can reach our target, the funds raised will pay all website expenses for the next two years!

The DU team are fairly confident that by the time we get to 2021, the site will be earning its own money though ads and affiliates. We just need a little help along the way.

Thank you so much.

Nick Michael Bond

Click HERE to help Dark Universe!

About Sheri White

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