The Silence of the Lambs is one of the most distinguished and the first American horror-thriller film to win Academy Awards in all the top five categories, producing a birth of an all-time villain character. It is such a privilege and excitement for Blitzway to...
Inspired by classic knock-down dolls, these creeps aren’t just normal pillows, they are free standing! A bean bag at the base allows you to put them on your couch, a shelf, or even create an actual carnival game with them! Just released by HorrorDecor this...
On September 13, 2017, dive headfirst into the alternate universe of Wolfenstein, a world where the fascist regime won the war thanks to super-advanced killing machines and vicious robot dogs. Written by Dan Watters (Limbo, Assassin’s Creed: Uprising) with art...
Over the past 13 weeks, our infernal legions have rearranged an array of severed dolls limbs in an attempt to deduce the identities of The Living Dead Dolls Resurrection Series XI set. Now all the pieces have been revealed and the names of the resurrected can be...
Indican Pictures is set to release the pivotal documentary on the Garbage Pail Kids. Titled 30 Years of Garbage: The Garbage Pail Kids Story, this documentary revisits the artists who made these collectibles famous. Showing a rare glimpse into the corporate culture of...
Marvel Entertainment is excited to announce that writer Donny Cates, who has brought his talent to comic powerhouses such as Image (God Country, Redneck), IDW (Star Trek), and Dark Horse (The Paybacks, Ghost Fleet, Buzzkill), will now bring his explosive storytelling...