Tin and Tina Written/Directed by Rubin Stein Produced by Rubin Stein and José Antonio de la Torre Espinosa Cinematography: Alejandro Espadero Starring Ana Blanco de Còrdova, Sasha Di Bendetto, and Manolo Cuervo Released April 2013 Reviewed by Alyssa Hunt When you...
Inheritance Written/Directed by Tyler Savage Produced by J. P. Castel Cinematography: Drew Daniels Starring Chase Joliet, Sara Montez, and Dale Dickey Reviewed by Alyssa Hunt There are movies that move fast and get right in your face, then there are those that are...
American Mummy 2014 Directed by Charles Pinion Produced by Greg Salman Cinematography: Jenny Ramirez Starred: Aaron Burt, Suziey Block, Peter Marr, and Aidan Bristow Reviewed by A. Renee Hunt How does an Aztec Lord take over a new and modernized civilization? By...
Besetment June 2017 Written, Produced & Directed by Brad Douglas Starred Abby Wathan, Marlyn Mason, and Michael Meyer Reviewed by A. Renee Hunt This is one of the good ones! I was a little concerned when I heard the dot matrix printer running the background. I...
The Void – DVD review 2016 Directors: Jeremy Gillespie, Steven Kostanski Stars: Aaron Poole, Kenneth Welsh, Daniel Fathers Reviewed by Brian M. Sammons When I heard of The Void, it was being described as a love letter to H.P. Lovecraft’s brand of cosmic horror, with...
Blackenstein 1973 Director: William A. Levey Stars: John Hart, Ivory Stone, Joe De Sue By Brian M. Sammons Blackenstein. Yep, it’s pretty much all right there in the title. What Blacula did for Blaxploitation and vampires in 1972, this did for Blaxploitation and Mary...