Demons Released October 6, 2017 Written and Directed by Miles Doleac Produced by Miles Doleac, Lindsay Anne Williams, Ryan H. Jackson, andKevin McGrail Starring Miles Doleac, Lindsay Anne Williams, Steven Brand, Kristina Emerson, and John Schneider Reviewed by Alyssa...
Cute Little Buggers Released 10 February 2017 Directed by Tony Jopia Written by Garry Charles, Andy Davie, Kristofer Dayne, and Tony Joia Produced by Daniel Sowter Starring Caroline Munro, Honey Holmes, Kumud Pant, Dani Thompson, Sara Dee, and John R Walker Reviewed...
The 13th Friday Released 10 January 2017 Directed and Written by Justin Price Produced by Pikchure Zero Entertainment Starring Lisa May, Khu, Melissa L. Vega, and Victoria Valdez Reviewed by Alyssa Hunt A spherical calendar holding the key to opening the gates of...
Empire of Dirt 2018 Directed by Adam Mason Screenplay by Paul Sloan Produced by Mike Hatton and Julia Sandberg Hansson Starring Paul Sloan, Lillian Solange, and Mark Steger Reviewed by Alyssa Hunt When a movie is eight minutes long, there are high expectations. The...
Children of the Corn 1984 Director: Fritz Kiersch Stars: Peter Horton, Linda Hamilton, R.G. Armstrong Reviewed by Brian M. Sammons It’s the killer kiddy flick from the mind of Stephen King and the year 1984. The one that spawned a thousand (or so it feels like)...
Pulse 2001 Director: Kiyoshi Kurosawa Stars: Haruhiko Katô, Kumiko Asô, Koyuki Reviewed by Brian M. Sammons Remember the movie from 1988 about the killer electricity that gets into a home and turns all the appliances against the family? Well, this isn’t that movie; I...