I Know What UFO Did Last Summer Kevin Garone Temor Press (March 11, 2025) Reviewed by Nora B. Peevy This book is a hilarious elementary sci-fi elementary tale also entertaining for adults. Garone’s humor shines on the page and his characters are snarky, witty, brave...
Barbarian Directed by Zach Cregger Theatrical Release: September 9, 2022 Reviewed by Scott Baker Plot Synopsis: In town for a job interview, a young woman arrives at her Airbnb late at night only to find that her rental has been mistakenly double-booked and a strange...
They Crawl Beneath Directed by Dale Fabrigar Starring: Joseph Almani, Karlee Eldridge, Michael Paré Reviewed by Scott Baker Plot Synopsis: Young police officer Danny (Joseph Almani) is working on an antique car at his uncle’s remote ranch when a major earthquake hits,...
Hellbender Directors: John Adams, Zelda Adams, Toby Poser Stars: Zelda Adams, Toby Poser, Lulu Adams Reviewed by Brian M. Sammons More folk horror and that means more witches, bitches. This is also another RLJE Entertainment release of a movie currently streaming on...
Slapface Director: Jeremiah Kipp Stars: August Maturo, Mike Manning, Libe Barer Reviewed by Brian M. Sammons Once more RLJE Films and horror streaming site, Shudder, have teamed up to bring a Shudder exclusive out on physical media, and I could not be happier. True,...
Hell High Director: Douglas Grossman Stars: Maureen Mooney, Christopher Stryker, Christopher Cousins Reviewed by Brian M. Sammons By 1989 the golden age of slashers was mostly coming to an end, and would not come back in any real way until 1996 and the release of...