The Other Side
Thomas Stewart
Independently published (September 1, 2023)
Reviewed by Nora B. Peevy

The Other Side, a thrilling collection published in 2023, is Stewart’s second book. Since then, he has published twelve books and is not retiring soon. This is a more traditional book of stories dealing with death from the Other Side. This collection is quite meaty, so make sure you have enough time to delve into the stories. Stewart exemplifies his versatility with this collection. He is not just a splatterpunk or extreme horror novelist. He can write intellectual, thought-provoking stories haunting you and making you question your own existence after you finish reading them. I wish Thomas Stewart had a better copy editor. This is my only complaint about the book.

Stewart’s gotten successful reviews on Amazon for this book. Here is just one of them: “For such a young author, these stories are fascinating and fulfilling. Look forward to reading more from him” Thomas Stewart is only twenty-three years old and I’m eager to watch him progress on his writing journey. If his books are this excellent now, I can’t even wait to see what they are like in his thirties. Here is a five-star review from Goodreads: “Loved these stories. Well written, it will be engross you for hours.There are so many ones I can’t even tell you, my favorite. I couldn’t help but crave more stories in this collection. Recommend.” He is also a multi-media artist, creating book trailers and art for people’s books.

The Other Side has nineteen stories. My favorites are “The Washer’s Hymn,” a modern take on a Scottish folk story which is filled with melancholy and fear; “The Boy at the Bottom of the Stairs” because it is so mournful; “Winslow’s Bride,” which is sick and creepy; and “Anything for Mother,” which is a creature feature horror story. It is hard to pick a few favorites because they are so delectable; any of them could rewrite into novelettes or novellas. Not one tale lost my rapt attention from beginning to end. Thomas Stewart delivers memorable shorts. I recommend his collection, The Other Side, and am surprised this is only his second collection.

About Nora B. Peevy

Nora B. Peevy is a cat trapped in a human’s body. Please send help or tuna. She toils away for JournalStone and Trepidatio Publishing as a submissions reader, is a co-editor for Alien Sun Press, the newest reviewer for Hellnotes, and has been published by Eighth Tower Press, Weird Fiction Quarterly, and other places. Usually, you can find her on Facebook asking for help escaping from her human body or to get tuna. Tuna is nice. Cats like tuna.

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