Ásatrú for Beginners: A Modern Heathen’s Guide to the Ancient Northern Way
Mathias Nordvig, PhD
Callisto (September 8, 2020)
Reviewed by Nora B. Peevy

If you are looking for a short and informative book on following Asatru, the pre-Christian spiritual belief system based around the folklore and mythology of Northern Europe, this is the best place to start. I’ve watched Viking dramas and I’m pagan, but I haven’t delved much into Asatru. I have never read a complete book dedicated to Asatru. Dr. Mathias Nordvig grew up in Scandinavia as a heathen (Asatru) and has his Ph.D. in Nordic mythology from Arrhus University in Denmark. He teaches Old Norse literature and culture, Nordic witchcraft and pre-Christian religion, and Arctic cultures at the University of Colorado-Boulder. He also works to educate others outside of the academic community, collaborating with musicians, artists, and activists around the world and puts out a monthly podcast called “The Sacred Flame” and so, this makes him the perfect expert to educate anyone looking to begin practicing Asatru. If you journey into reading this spiritual awakening book, throw out everything you thought you ever knew about Norse spirituality. Unless you’ve read the actual poems, and then you are on the right track.

In under 125pp. Dr. Nordvig will give you the history of heathenism up to modern society, what it means to be Asatru, the values of being a heathen (Asatru), worship and rituals, magic and esoteric practices, and modern-day practice. Along with this book you also get a glossary of terms, an explanation of correct pronunciation of vowels, a list of books to continue your studies with, a list of online resources, and a list of primary and secondary references used in writing the book. Well worth the $13.

What I found interesting and alarming is almost NOTHING I have read in any other book has rung true to what Dr. Nordvig wrote. I can now incorporate Norse heathen practices into my own pagan rituals. I liked how Dr. Nordvig explained the difference between spiritualism and religion because these are two unique animals. You don’t have to believe in any of the gods and goddesses to be Asatru or you can believe in all of them. And he also states you can practice your spirituality in any way you want to because there is no right or wrong way. If you are looking to pick up a beginner’s guide to Asatru, this is one to put on your list. It’s well-written and entertaining at the same time.

About Nora B. Peevy

Nora B. Peevy is a cat trapped in a human’s body. Please send help or tuna. She toils away for JournalStone and Trepidatio Publishing as a submissions reader, is a co-editor for Alien Sun Press, the newest reviewer for Hellnotes, and has been published by Eighth Tower Press, Weird Fiction Quarterly, and other places. Usually, you can find her on Facebook asking for help escaping from her human body or to get tuna. Tuna is nice. Cats like tuna.

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