Synopsis: “A sci-fi thriller about a teenage girl (Clara Rugaard), who is the first of a new generation of humans to be raised by Mother (Rose Byrne), a robot designed to repopulate the earth after the extinction of humankind. But the pair’s unique relationship...
Synopsis: “Dani (Florence Pugh) and Christian (Jack Reynor) are a young American couple with a relationship on the brink of falling apart. But after a family tragedy keeps them together, a grieving Dani invites herself to join Christian and his friends on a trip...
Black Fawn Distribution is pleased to announce the release of their newest title: the blood-soaked thriller Bed of the Dead. Produced by Black Fawn Films and Breakthrough Entertainment, Bed of the Dead is the directorial debut of Jeff Maher, whose cinematography can...
“In this spectacular New York Times bestselling father/son collaboration that “barrels along like a freight train” (Publishers Weekly), Stephen King and Owen King tell the highest of high-stakes stories: what might happen if women disappeared from the world of...
From the Press Release: “Los Angeles, CA – The new horror thriller I’ll Take Your Dead will be available to haunt your shelves come June 4, when Scream Factory releases it on Blu-ray™ and DVD. Directed by Chad Archibald (Bite, The Heretics), and starring Aidan...