Synopsis: “Troubled college freshman Luke (Miles Robbins) suffers a violent family trauma and resurrects his childhood imaginary friend Daniel (Patrick Schwarzenegger) to help him cope. Charismatic and full of manic energy, Daniel helps Luke to achieve...
Press Release: Titan Comics are thrilled to be publishing Snowpiercer: Extinction, a brand-new prequel graphic novel set before the extinction incident that led to the events of the original Snowpiercer graphic novel trilogy. Titan’s next installment in the critically...
“Yesterday, Friday, July 19, AMC’s Preacher invaded San Diego Comic Con with a panel featuring Executive Producer Seth Rogen, in addition to cast members Dominic Cooper, Ruth Negga, Julie Ann Emery, and Mark Harelik to celebrate the upcoming fourth and final...
As with any website on the internet these days, it can be quite expensive at times to keep a website like Dark Universe: Horror Database up and running smoothly for our readers to enjoy on a daily basis. In the last four years, we have found it quite a struggle at...
For the first time ever, Sony Pictures’ classic film, Ghostbusters, is coming to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Orlando Resort – bringing the most memorable scenes, characters and supernatural spirits from one of pop culture’s...