Up from Soil Fresh Aaron J. French Hazardous Press, June 2013 Trade paperback, $5.39; eBook, $2.99 Reviewed by Michael R. Collings In general, zombie stories are not directly about zombies. There are exceptions, of course, such as Patrick Freivald’s engaging...
Dreaming in Darkness Aaron French, Adrian Chamberlin, Jonathan Green, and John Prescott World Horror Con 2013 edition Hardcover, $20.00 Reviewed by Michael R. Collings Not long ago, I completed a 10,000-word novelette for the forthcoming anthology Space Eldritch II, a...
Losing Touch Christian A. Larsen Introduction by Piers Anthony Post Mortem Press, June 2013 Trade paperback, $16.00 Reviewed by Michael R. Collings Who hasn’t fantasized, if only for a moment, about being a superhero? Being able to fly, to crush steel, to turn...
Strangers Michaelbrent Collings Amazon Digital, 3 June 2013 Ebook, $3.99 Reviewed by Michael R. Collings Recently I reviewed my son Michaelbrent’s novel Darkbound, easily among the goriest and most intense horror I have ever read. Now I have a chance to talk for a few...
Darkness on the Edge of Light, Part One Scott Everett Bronson ArcPoint Media, 2013 ARC Reviewed by Michael R. Collings Darkness on the Edge of Light is a particularly apt title for a collection of four stories that each begin in darkness—in suffering, sorrow, pain,...