Destination America today announced that it has begun production on an all-new series hosted by world-renowned ghost hunters Adam Berry and Amy Bruni. KINDRED SPIRITS (working title) will premiere in 2016 exclusively on Destination America following the fearless duo...
Ash has spent the last 30 years avoiding responsibility, maturity and the terrors of the Evil Dead until a Deadite plague threatens to destroy all of mankind and Ash becomes mankind’s only hope. Season 2 Trailer Ash vs. Evil Dead Panel Booth...
Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures’ “Kong: Skull Island” reimagines the origin of the mythic Kong in a compelling, original adventure from director Jordan Vogt-Roberts (“The Kings of Summer”). In the film, a diverse team of explorers is brought together to...
Gretel Christopher Coleman October, 2015 Reviewed by Jess Landry Hansel and Gretel, the classic original story from the Brothers Grimm, follows a brother and sister led astray in the woods. They use bread crumbs to mark their way home, but end up finding the...
Coming to theaters and Digital EST on September 9th, Momentum Pictures Presents HAPPY BIRTHDAY Directed by Casey Tebo Film Synopsis On his birthday, Brady finds out his girlfriend has been cheating on him. His best friend Tommy decides to take him on a raging drug...