Black Bed Sheets Books has released the paperback and digital editions of Whispers in The Cries by Matthew Ewald.
Description: How deep are you willing to go to unlock the mystery?
A young hotshot journalist’s life unravels in a web of mystery and horror when he is called back to a home and family he hasn’t seen in over a decade. He returns home after the mysterious death of his grandfather, a WWII vet who has seen, first hand, the horrors of life and man. From the beaches of Normandy to the bitter cold of Bastogne; he was a respected hero and man of great strength both physically and mentally. A man who was confined to an asylum in the last weeks of his life; where he spoke of demonic entities, faceless spirits who tormented him relentlessly, and images depicting a black shadowed poltergeist in a top hat and grin.
A “sniveling whelp,” as he would once say, confined to an asylum where he carved and drew strange markings upon the floor, the ceiling, the walls; stories and tales told all leading to a nameless vessel. A ghost ship that has drank the most ancient of blood. Tasted the most ancient of flesh. A vessel that has now … awoken. Now hunted by the shadowed entity of his grandfather’s past and its dark brethren of phantom wraiths, macabre menace, and demonic beasts, Randy Conroy must survive the nightmare his grandfather could not.
Check it out on Amazon: Whispers in The Cries