Cold CityF. Paul Wilson has written a short piece for titled “The Toughest Part of Writing Cold City.” Cold City is the first of a trilogy that will chronicle Repairman Jack’s early years in New York. The time period is the 1990s. You can read the article here: The Toughest Part of Writing Cold City

Tor Books released the hardcover late last month.

Description: The first of three Repairman Jack prequels, revealing the past of one of the most popular characters in contemporary dark fantasy: a self-styled “fix-it” man who is no stranger to the macabre or the supernatural, hired by victimized people who have no one else to turn to.

We join Jack a few months after his arrival in New York City. He doesn’t own a gun yet, though he’s already connected with Abe. Soon he’ll meet Julio and the Mikulski brothers. He runs afoul of some Dominicans, winds up at the East Side Marriott the night Meir Kahane is shot, gets on the bad side of some Arabs, starts a hot affair, and disrupts the smuggling of preteen sex slaves. And that’s just Book One.

You can pick it up from Amazon for only $14.86 here: Cold City

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