The newest issue of The Revelator has been posted online for your reading enjoyment. This is a special “We Heart Lovecraft” issue, with contributions from Laird Barron (More Dark), Meghan McCarron (Lovecraft in Brooklyn), Nick Mamatas (Brattleboro Days, Yuggoth Nights), and Brian Slattery (The Ashland Waltz).
The Revelator was first published in 1876 and has been published ever since then in a variety of formats. Broadsheet. Newspaper. Eight-tracks and cassettes. Mono and stereo. Sometimes free. Sometimes in expensive limited editions. But whatever its format, The Revelator has always been the first place to look to for a no-holds barred approach to the truth and damn the consequences.
It was in The Revelator, in fact in its very first issue, that one found an eye-witness account of the Northfield bank robbery. It was in The Revelator that the first authenticated photographs of the Thunderbird, the Unktehila, and the giant squid appeared. And it was The Revelator that first published the unexpurgated Watergate transcripts. Editors Matthew Cheney and Eric Schaller are proud to carry on this grand tradition, now in a free on-line edition.
In each issue of The Revelator you’ll find the best fiction, nonfiction, comix, and art that the world has to offer. It’s the best because that’s the truth.
Check it out for free: The Revelator