Curiosity Quills Press has released the paperback and digital editions of Mike Robinson’s The Green-Eyed Monster.
Description: Martin Smith and John Becker – bestselling authors with ordinary names and extraordinary minds. Rivals since childhood, they are natives of the northern California town of Twilight Falls and famous for their uncanny similarity in both physical manner and literary voice. When one of them ends up dead at the others home, an investigation is launched into their dark past, revealing a series of troubling stories from their childhood, adolescence and careers, throughout which pervades a sinister presence, an authorial entity with roots beyond our time or dimension. An entity with far-reaching designs.
About The Author: It was at the tender age of 7 that an interconnection of cells and organs called Mike Robinson (then Mikey) penned, or penciled, his first story. Called “Aliens In My Backyard!”, it went on to become a runaway bestseller, topping international charts (or maybe that just happened in his imagination, too).
Although he has since worked as an independent videogame producer and cinematographer, writing has always been the focal point of his creative life, although to him the phrase “creative life” sounds a tad redundant. His first professional sale, a short story entitled “The Hand of Spudd”, appeared in Storyteller Magazine when he was 19. Since then, his work has appeared in a dozen magazines, anthologies and podcasts. In 2006, he was one of five guys comprising GLAWS, the Greater L.A. Writers Society, which has since become the second largest writers’ group in Southern California. He’s the editor of “Literary Landscapes”, the society’s publication.
Skunk Ape Semester, his debut novel, was released early 2012 by Solstice Publishing and was a Finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. His follow-up, the supernatural mystery novel The Green-Eyed Monster, has been released from Curiosity Quills Press.
Check it out on Amazon: The Green-Eyed Monster