The Remaking of Pet Sematary and IT

Lilja’s Library is running an interview with David Kajganich, who has written the scripts of the anticipated remakes of Pet Sematary and IT, based on Stephen King novels. Previously, Kajganich wrote the original scripts for Town Creek and remake of the 1956...

Simon & Schuster Blockade Billy Contest

Simon & Schuster has announced a new contest open to US residents in the 50 states and District of Columbia who are 18 or older which will run from June 11th-30th. Ten winners will receive a limited edition Blockade Billy poster, a copy of Blockade Billy, and a...
Listen To A Clip From Blockade Billy

Listen To A Clip From Blockade Billy

Simon & Schuster has set up a promotional page for the audio book of Stephen King’s Blockade Billy where you can listen to a clip. Description: Even the most diehard baseball fans don’t know the true story of William “Blockade Billy” Blakely. He may have...

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