Our Horror in a Hundred submissions have started to drop off a bit, so I just wanted to remind everyone that this is an ongoing feature. Some of the stories we’ve run so far have been really, really good. So what are you waiting for? Let us see into the dark recesses of your twisted minds. Don’t just sit there. Run to your computer and get cracking. I can’t wait to see what you send. As a reminder, below are the ground rules for submissions:
1. The submission must be 100 words or less. Please send a word count with your submission.
2. Horror in a Hundred is intended to be fun. Please keep that in mind.
3. As for what gets published, it’s actually pretty simple. If I like the submission, I’ll put it on the site. If not, I won’t. Just so you know, the range of stories I like is pretty wide, so go ahead and send something in.
4. Hellnotes will not pay any money for rights to your submission. What we will do, however, is include a link to a blog or an author website for you. The hope is that together, we can increase your visibility and send some traffic your way.
5. Hellnotes does not retain any rights to your submission. We will run it once, then it’s yours again. Should we wish to run your story again on the Hellnotes website or in any other media owned by JournalStone Publishing, our parent company, we will seek your permission to do so.
6. Please send your submissions to [email protected].
I’m sure I haven’t covered all the questions you may have, but hopefully there’s enough for you get started. Just remember, the primary goal is to have fun with this.