“We are looking for scary stories, written in third person, featuring the theme Love Kills: My Bloody Valentine. Stories should take place at or around Valentine’s Day. Think obsession, lust, heartache, stalkers, etc. Serial killer stories welcome. We prefer stories with atmospheric suspense vs. gore. Gruesome and/or sexy scenes are acceptable as long as they are essential to plot development. Stories can take place at any time (past, present, future, alternate), and can take place anywhere (Earth, sea, outer space, other planets, etc.) as long as they fit the theme of Love Kills: My Bloody Valentine.”
3000-5000 words preferred, but will accept 2000-6000 words. E-mail entries (DOCX, DOC, or RTF attachment). “Please put submission, followed by the title of the story, in the subject line of your E-mail.” 1st, $125 + copy; 2nd, $50 + copy; 3rd, $25 + copy.
Winning stories will be published in a print anthology by Pill Hill Press (tentative release date February 14, 2010).
Deadline: January 15, 2010.
Submission E-mail: Love Kills
Courtesy of The Gila Queen’s Guide to Markets. Hellnotes special: 20 issues for only $18. Just mention Hellnotes to get this great deal.