Necrosaurus Rex
Nicholas Day
Bizarro Pulp Press, An Imprint of JournalStone Publishing
December 12, 2014
Reviewed by Stuart Conover
For only being a novella, Nicholas Day really tells a big story in his 64 page Necrosaurus Rex. In the story we follow Martin, a janitor who was sent back to the beginning of time for the beginning of the universe as we know it. Well, maybe sent back for a second beginning of the universe we get to know it. Before I get too far into the review I should point out that as a Bizarro Pulp Press book that strange is an absurd understatement of what to expect but while the pages are few and full of gore, the content is heavy and there is a lot going on in between the mutations and messed up tale that will make you think.
That is, if you don’t get completely distracted by the fact that you’re reading about an ex-Janitor who has become a time traveling dinosaur-ish God. What it all boils down to is that every moment of intimacy that has ever happened or ever will isn’t our choice of free will or pleasure but the Universe trying to recreate the sensation it felt from The Big Bang.
Needless to say, things aren’t working out for it.
The novel starts with Martin being the biggest ‘Jurassic Park’ fanatic around and wanting nothing more in his life than to see dinosaurs. Good thing for him that he stumbles across a time machine, right?
Not exactly.
While he does go back, and does see dinosaurs it is quite clear that he is in for much more of a ride. What is surprising though is that the ride from the big bang and through all of the 14 billion years beyond it all somehow comes together perfectly in this book and make sense in the most twisted kind of ways.
There is going to be gore galore in these pages but as you read through it you can easily see that there is a story within a story going on here. If you want something twisted, new, entertaining, and slyly intelligent I’d suggest picking up a copy of Necrosaurus Rex.
Disclaimer: A review copy was provided by one of our sponsors.