In case you’re unfamiliar with it, here’s a quick rundown on Nameless Magazine…
The intended goal of Nameless is to meld divergent (even challenging) critical perspectives on a variety of subjects – fiction, music, art, film, social commentary – and present them with the best content (literary, artistic, and, in the case of the website, multimedia) we can muster.
The Nameless Digest is a biannual (twice yearly), minimum 150 page perfect-bound, 6″x9″ book in full color. It is published by Cycatrix Press, and will be printed in limited quantities in the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter of each year.
Along with each print issue there will be a (near) simultaneous Electronic edition, available in a variety of popular formats (for Apple devices, desktops, Android devices, Kindle, PDF, Issuu and so on). The website will be maintained on a (mostly) regular basis with exclusive content, and will offer excerpts of upcoming issues, reviews and current articles that may or may not be in the print version.
The material in Nameless Digest is wide-ranging and will be presented in an eye-catching manner. Each issue will vary as to theme, but will provide fascinating commentary on topical subjects, politics, science, criticism, philosophy, and reviews of current media.
Nameless will engage subscribers/participants with content in the fields of Dark S-F, Weird, Magic Realism, and Horror. It will feature nonfiction, interviews, reviews, music, artwork, poetry, fiction, and film. We will issue periodic, limited hardcover “Best Of” editions of the magazine’s most popular and intriguing content.
Pays Pro Rates, but demands pro work in return. They Only Pay for items that are in the printed digest, but are pleased to keep items excerpted for the website indefinitely: This includes artwork/multimedia.
Check out their website: Nameless Magazine