Delirium Books has just released in trade paperback M. Stephen Lukac’s Oogie Boogie Central and its sequel Oogie Boogie Bounce. If you buy both, you’ll receive more than $3 off. And you’ll get to see that if you place them side by side, both books come together in a full cover produced by Alan M. Clark.

Oogie Boogie Central: Footsteps echo in the darkness. We know not the passengers they carry. We cannot recognize their power, alleviate their burden, or understand their pain. We can never comprehend their sorrow, ease their loneliness, or experience their fear. The Gatherers and Hunters walk among us. They are everywhere, yet we do not know them … But they know one another. Within its borders, what appears seldom is. The impossible is common. Identity is fluid. Death is not the end. Places exist not found on any maps, but they are there, known to those whose footsteps echo in the darkness … Welcome to Oogie Boogie Central.

Oogie Boogie Bounce: In Oogie Boogie Central, department store detective Milo Tucker discovered he is a Gatherer: a being capable of housing the memories and abilities of the dead. Milo and his six passengers faced the horror of serial killer Theodore Munsch after he gained the talents of a Hunter, a creature of similar – but lesser – power. A year later finds Milo still adjusting to his new status, and things aren’t going well. His wife fears he’s lost his mind and his best friend thinks he’s having an affair. Meanwhile, West Virginia’s mystic community knows there’s a new player on the field, and are anxious to capitalize on Milo’s condition. After all, who doesn’t want to live forever?

You can learn more here: Oogie Boogie Books

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