The Cemetery Dance Book Club has always been one of CD’s most popular special offers, but for the new Book Club they’ve come up with an incredible new twist that will easily make this their best special offer ever:
If you don’t like the books they pick for the club, you can pick your own selections instead!
That’s right! They have some great books in the works for the Book Club selections, but if you don’t agree with a selection, you can select a Different Cemetery Dance Book of equal or lesser value instead. It’s kind of like a “Make Your Own Book Club” this time around — you seriously cannot go wrong because you have complete control over what you get!
In addition, this new Book Club will feature two exclusive signed limited edition novels that will be printed just for the Book Club.
These two signed Limited Edition novels will not be available to the general public: no dealers, no wholesalers, no bookstores, no direct sales, no individual copy sales. If you’re a member of the Book Club, you get these two books. If you’re not a member, you don’t. It’s as simple as that.
When you break down the pricing, you’re getting twelve signed limited edition hardcover books for around $12 each — that’s what New York is charging for regular old trade paperbacks. And two of these signed Limited Editions won’t even be available to the general public.
Check it out: Cemetery Dance Book Club