Following the success of Dark Horse’s latest Predator miniseries, Predator: Hunters and the excitement for September’s upcoming The Predator film release, we are thrilled to announce the release of not one, but two Predator projects from Dark Horse Comics coming later...
Welcome to the end of the world… In this brand new action-packed comic, we meet Scooby and the gang like you’ve never seen them before as they take on hordes of real monsters in the apocalypse! Our favourite meddling kids and their dog find themselves knee-deep...
Written and drawn by ONE, the creator of the insanely popular One-Punch Man, comes Mob Psycho 100, winner of the 2017 Shogakukan Prize for Best Shonen Manga. Having already spawned an anime available on Crunchyroll and a live-action Netflix Original series, Dark Horse...
There’s no band in the world like BABYMETAL, the metal dance unit, whose hit songs like “KARATE,” “Gimme Chocolate,” and “Megitsune” have captured the imaginations of fans around the globe. This fall, Z2 Comics, Hollywood film/TV production company Amuse Group USA,...
Since 1988, Dark Horse Comics has delivered the Aliens scares that audiences have demanded! For those thirty years, these stories have expanded the Aliens mythos and taken it to new heights with terrifying adventures spanning the depths of space and strange alien...
Dark Horse Comics is proud to welcome fans back to Burden Hill as the one and only Evan Dorkin (Blackwood, Milk and Cheese, The Eltingville Club, Dork) joins forces with artist Benjamin Dewey (The Autumnlands) and letterer Nate Piekos for a thrilling new...