Tempestuous by Lori R. Lopez Scratching was audible beneath the fury of wind and rain. Whatever lurked outside during this beastly weather, the elderly man wanted no part of it. “Go away!” A hoarse plea. “You’re not welcome here!” The scores against wood paused. ...
Clean Up by Brent R. Oliver When the dryer buzzed, I almost spilled my drink. I’d just begun to relax. It takes awhile to come down after a big one like this. The rags and towels were from the dryer and smelled great. I buried my face in their comforting heat...
Mastodon by Sydney Leigh I’m so sorry…I truly wish I had better news. I’m surprised by the findings myself. The doctor’s words hung densely in the air between us, swirling tar and toxins forging skin, skull, muscle, tusk— If there’s...
The Game by Lori R. Lopez Somberly a rook perched on an iron gate. The manor stood deserted. He pointed his beak, dove to a shattered sill then flapped through silent brooding chambers. Death reeked in these halls. Where was the laughter now? Throwing stones at birds....
The Midnight Circus by Sheldon Woodbury A rumbling caravan snaked its way down gloomy back roads with its mysteries and horrors shrouded from view, until it was time to clatter to a stop and hoist its tattered black tents that fluttered like ghosts. A haunted a call...
Dead Man’s Curve by Thomas Kleaton The white moon nestled over Clermont County resembled the headlights rushing toward them. “Whoever that is better slow down,” said Dan, tapping his high beams. “222 meets State Route 125 right up here. Five teenagers died...