Carnage Road
Gregory Lamberson

PRINT IS DEAD April, 2012
Review by Matthew Tait

Carnage Road is labeled as Gregory Lamberson’s personal ode to Westerns, Biker pictures, and the cinema of the living dead.

And no other description is more apt for the story that unfolds.

Clocking in at rapid (but precise) 82 pages, Gregory somehow manages to fill this brief stanza with enough gore and action to rival a similar book twice this length. By way of effortless prose, the tale moves swiftly with an ease and traction much like the cool aptitude of its protagonists. It’s the voice of an author who has the confidence and wherewithal of a seasoned professional working in the zombie sub-genre.

This is the story of Boone and Walker – the last surviving members of The Floating Dragons motorcycle gang. After being orphaned in the aftermath a dazzling raid on their compound by rouge cops, the brothers in arms then hightail it back out onto the open road with no particular destination in mind. Now the entire country is a gargantuan canvas for carnage – with the dead slowly outnumbering the living with every mile traveled down. Hollywood suddenly looms on the horizon, a proverbial carrot that dangles like a rotted limb – but before they can reach it both Boone and Walker will have to face the ire and decrepitude of the flyover States … territories that have sunk even deeper into rouge division.

Underlying this brutal road-trip is sharp dialogue and likable characters in the form of our main players – with Gregory using their predicament for biting social commentary and sometimes scathing attacks on the current global predicament. Above all, it’s balls to the wall horror and just plain good fun for all of those who enjoy the current crop of epic Zombie literature. More than a few typos were prevalent – but with ARC’s this is highly inevitable.

PRINT IS DEAD will be releasing Carnage Road in all formats early in April.

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