ScareLA, the original summer Halloween convention, is excited to announce its 2016 film programming for this year’s festival to feature 75 exclusive screenings throughout the weekend of August 6th-7th, 2016 in Pasadena. ScareLA received over 2,100 submissions of...
Vampyr, the new Action-RPG from acclaimed game-development studio Dontnod, explores protagonist Jonathan Reid’s moral plight in the E3 trailer. Set in London, 1918, Vampyr promises to offer a unique and deeply immersive experience with a strong and engaging...
Bestselling creative team of Robert Kirkman (THE WALKING DEAD, INVINCIBLE) and Paul Azaceta (Daredevil, Punisher Noir) will launch a new story arc in their ongoing horror series OUTCAST BY KIRKMAN & AZACETA from Skybound this July. Previously in OUTCAST BY...
In their most successful market outing to date, Monster Pictures, genre label and producers of Australia’s premier cult film festival Monster Fest (set for November 24-27, 2016) have picked up eight new titles at this year’s Marché du Film, including the festival’s...
At the Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) E3 press conference today, Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, announced Resident Evil® 7 biohazard , the next major entry in the renowned Resident Evil® series. Resident Evil 7 sets a new...