As autumn winds swirl, full moons rise, and black cats come out to play, it’s time to book a visit to the legendary Winchester Mystery House, one of America’s most legendary haunted mansions, as it introduces Halloween Candlelight Tours. In a chilling and Gothic...
SGL Entertainment is pleased to announce that they just acquired the deranged horror film Deviant Behavior, and will be releasing the movie on Blu-ray, DVD and VOD early next year. The film is written by Sal Hernandez, directed by Jacob Grim and stars Bonnie Ann...
The most extreme immersive horror experience in America is called Blackout. Not for the faint of heart, it is a terrifying, psycho-sexual thrill-ride designed to play on our deepest psychological fears. Rich Fox’s innovative horror documentary, THE BLACKOUT...
Out on demand, ‘Mark of the Witch’ looks terrifyingly fun! Synopsis: On her 18th birthday, she will belong to the devil. Compelled by the idea she has an evil twin, a beautiful young woman is driven into a dark underworld of demonic possession, desire, and...
The E3 trailer for Call of Cthulhu, the official video game adaptation of Chaosium’s pen & paper RPG, rises from the depths. Developed for consoles and PC by Cyanide Studio in Paris, Call of Cthulhu will offer an RPG-Investigation title, packed with...