Final Moon by David John Wing The dark came fast that day and it started with the stars. They’d gradually been dimming, but this was the big one. The Moon seemed corrupted somehow. Its luminous shell greyed, followed by a burnt smell that spread through the sky and...
The Still by James Michael Rice Just before her fingers find the switch, I notice that she is wearing an odd expression, one I have never seen before: fear. My mother wasn’t waving goodnight. She was trembling. I kick and scream and fight against it, but sleep...
Would you like to be published in industry leading Dark Discoveries Magazine while also seeing your story posted on a website that receives over 160,000 views every month? If so, Hellnotes is pleased to take your Horror in a Hundred submission! Additionally, we will...
Cold Kisses of Death By Sheldon Woodbury For a glorious few seconds, he suddenly knew what it felt like to be a God, as he lay sprawled in the snow and the lethal street drug filled his body with its magnificent power. His crimson red blood poured out to the ground...
The Wolves by Rachel M. Martens A howl echoes through the frozen air. I try to run faster, but the woods are dense and I trip over the brush. I need to get home. I can’t die tonight. Another howl joins the first. And another. I can’t count them all. I need to get home...