The Hatching Ezekiel Boone Random House July, 2016 Reviewed by Josh Black Ezekiel Boone’s debut novel, The Hatching, begins with a tour guide leading some particularly arrogant and ungrateful tourists through a Peruvian jungle, on a path he’s walked many...
Mannheim Rex Robert Pobi Simon & Schuster Canada May 17, 2016 Reviewed by Josh Black As much as I enjoy the subtlety of quiet horror and the twisted allure of psychological head-trips, sometimes I just want to read about a big-ass monster tearing things up. When...
Disappearance At Devil’s Rock Paul Tremblay William Morrow June 21, 2016 Reviewed by Josh Black Disappearance At Devil’s Rock opens with Elizabeth Anderson receiving an early morning phone call and a parent’s nightmare come true – the terrible...
I’m Thinking of Ending Things Iain Reid Simon & Schuster June 7, 2016 Reviewed by Josh Black “My story is not like a movie, I’ll say. It’s not heart-stopping or intense or bloodcurdling or graphic or violent. No jump scares. To me, these...
Hobgoblin John Coyne Dover Publications November, 2015 Reviewed by Josh Black Originally published in 1981 by G.P. Putnam’s Sons, this edition of Hobgoblin is a reprint from Dover. Here’s their description from the back cover: Ancient magic meets...