Horror Realm will present a special screening of the Charles Busch horror comedy Psycho Beach Party on February 20, 2013 at the Hollywood Theater in Dormont. Net proceeds of the event will benefit Shepherd Wellness Community, a safe, supportive community empowering...
Lockout Sony Pictures Directed by Stephen St Leger & James Mather Starring Guy Pearce and Maggie Grace Review by Wayne C. Rogers I saw the preview of Lockout while watching another movie on DVD. The trailer looked great, and I wondered how I’d missed the film...
In 2007, Martin Wagner, a UT alumnus who has been working professionally in film and television production since 2002, discovered the Servant Girl Annihilator murders and was immediately inspired to pursue the story of these crimes as his first effort as director. In...
Picador is set to release Yoko Ogawa’s short story collection, Revenge, in paperback tomorrow. Description: “Sinister forces collide — and unite a host of desperate characters — in this eerie cycle of interwoven tales from Yoko Ogawa, the critically acclaimed...
For Writers Who Are Serious About Achieving Success! LexiCon 2013 is returning to the Hilton Garden Inn in Denton, Texas on July 12-14. The Meet and Greet Dinner will take place on Friday Night, July 12th. It is highly recommended that everyone attend the dinner...