Apex Magazine #43Apex Magazine Issue 43 has been released. Fiction from Alethea Kontis, Mari Ness, and Jeffrey Ford. An article from Vylar Kaftan discussing the aspects of writing about taboos. There is also an interview with Alethea Kontis.

Apex Magazine is a monthly science fiction, fantasy, and horror magazine featuring original, mind-bending short fiction from many of the top pros of the field. New issues are released the first Tuesday of every month.


  • “Blood from Stone” by Alethea Kontis
  • “Labyrinth” by Mari Ness
  • “Relic” by Jeffrey Ford


  • “Blood on Vellum: Notes from the Editor-in-Chief” by Lynne M. Thomas
  • “You’re Not Supposed to Write That: Taboos in Speculative Fiction” by Vylar Kaftan
  • “An Interview with Alethea Kontis” by Maggie Slater

You can read it for free here: Apex Magazine #43

They also sell e-book versions of each issue for those who prefer to read the magazine on the Kindle or Nook, etc.

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