Actress Cindy Guyer, who appeared in the 1989 cult horror film Psycho Cop and mainstream films like The Mirror Has Two Faces, and who has graced over 2,000 book and magazine covers as a model, returns to the world of cult cinema in Jerry Landi’s upcoming Bloodmarsh Krackoon. The Bronx based film, produced by Marc J. Makowski (Slime City and Slime City Massacre), is a spinoff of Landi’s short film Krackoon and is currently in post production.
Blood Marsh Krackoon tells the story of Red Eye, a mutant raccoon prowling the Bronx for more than garbage can delicacies. Guyer’scharacter, Millie Rabbit, provides many of the laughs in the horror comedy as an outspoken resident of a retirement home. Guyer, who is decades younger than her character, was teaching a Manhattanacting class when Makowski introduced himself.
“The next day Marc called and said, ‘Listen, I’d like for you to be in this movie I’m producing, I know you’ll think I’m crazy because this is an older character, but I think you’ll have fun with it,’” Guyer says. “Jerry said, ‘I think you’re too young for this part, you’re a babe!’ But he thought about it and said, ‘Come to the reading and we’ll see how it goes.’”
“I felt she was too young and too glamorous to play a seventy year old woman,” says Landi. “She changed my mind by showing up to the table read as Millie, with a funny Bronx accent and a total house mom outfit. She took the role from being a concerned Bronx mom whose son is embroiled in murder and political cover-ups to a slightly insane resident of the local nursing home, where most of the action takes place, and she did it all without makeup. I think Cindy’s fans will be impressed by her new role.”
“I loved it, it was a lot of fun,” says Guyer of the shoot. “My mom passed away three days before production. Marc and Jerry wanted to postpone the shoot for me, but I said ‘No, the show must go on, but I have one favor to ask, can I bring my Dad?’ They said sure, and I dressed him up in pajamas to be one of the residents and he was crying half the time and laughing half the time, it was so sweet. It was so nice to work with Jerry, because he allowed me to create; I wrote a lot of my own stuff and he said ‘Go with it, this is funny!’”
The Trailer:
Guyer owns and operates the tiny Wine and Roses wine bar on Manhattan’s upper westside. People will see her as Millie Rabbit when Bloodmarsh Krackoon premieres in the Bronx this spring. Makowski and Landi plan to send Red Eye and company on the film festival circuit while they seek distribution.
Cindy Guyer is only a minority interst co-owner of Wine and Roses. The original owner, founder and creator is Jennifer Klein who no longer operates the bar.